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Postal Problems that a Franking Machine can Solve

by Techies Guardian
Postal Problems that a Franking Machine can Solve

Postal Problems That a Franking Machine can solve – Just like you look at the right tools for delivering appropriate service renderings in general, franking machine are a vital tool for businesses and households today. Whatever be the business you may run and operate, the crux is marked by the software used and its efficiency. Franking machines date as long back as the 18th century. However, with time, they have evolved.

Postal Problems That A Franking Machine Can Solve

A Quick Run-Through on Franking Machines

At the basic level, franking machines ensure that you have the correct stamps for every letter or postage you intend to send. Using this equipment, you can now reduce costs and time spent on sending postage. What’s more, it makes for an efficient mailing system that eventually produces higher profits for your business.

Next are postal problems that you can resolve using franking machines.

Postage Issues Resolved by Franking Machines

Franking machines are equivalent to a dedicated mailroom set up at the office or residence. And this is especially beneficial to small or boutique enterprises that operate from a small space. Also, franking machines help reduce the number of trips made to the post office. The added convenience comes from a fall in wasted postage that most people incur due to fluctuating rates.

Mitigate Mailing Errors

Most people often tend to confuse stamps. Due to this, they end up sending their mails to incorrect destinations. Note that there are numerous stamps to pick from, and that’s where the confusion mostly resides. Choosing one can often be cumbersome and daunting at times.

With franking machines, you can save these hassles and eliminate mailing mishaps. For one, they use mailmark technology. Mailmark is a new-gen of franking mark. It stands to replace the traditional ‘town and crown’ die with a 2-dimensional barcode system that carries machine-readable information. This information eventually translates and features in intricate details through item-level reporting. Think of this as the diagnostics and evaluation for your business mailing needs.

Enhanced Security

The modern-day franking machines also pave the way for better security. They get rid of the need for physical stamp inventories. With this, you get to wipe away your worries regarding any damaged or lost stamps. What’s more, your postage dollars get safeguarded in a lockable metre as opposed to having tonnes of stamps litter your desk.

Business Mails are now Posh and Professional

Another benefit of using franking machines is that they add professionalism to your postage. Franking machines enable you to add your business logo to the mail, rendering it a professional outlook. This paves the way for better business aesthetics on your part. What’s more, in doing so, it helps eliminate the need to incur extra costs for making the logo.

Takes Care of Business Marketing

Using a franking machine, you also get to customise your advertising messages to suit the needs and requirements of each client. And you can do so because franking machines render you complete control. If you are a small enterprise struggling to make it to the bigger circles, franking machines make for an ideal solution. It takes care of your marketing needs and helps you set the right impression with your clientele.

Not only your logo and trademark, but you can also include slogans and taglines on your franked postage. What this does is that it sets up the deck for a stellar impression. So, franking machines also take care of your branding and marketing. And to a considerable extent. The reason this works is the high chance of the boxes getting reused. In reusing, they can reach new audiences and other potential customers. Now, this opens the gateways for referral and word-of-mouth marketing for your company. Today, successful businesses are deploying this strategy for improving brand exposure and overall image.

Mailing Costs are Accounted

A franking machine allows you to keep your postage expenditure in check. It does so by automatically recording expenses incurred while sending the mail. And the result? It makes cost reconciliation and mail expenses budgeting much more convenient. Plus, the mailmark technology also is tremendously helpful here. The barcode system offers web-based performance reporting from an online analytics dashboard.

Franking machines are a cost-effective method for sending mail. In that, they bring together mail, technology and business information. This barcode system renders web-based reporting via the online analytics dashboard. In that, you get access to detailed reporting about volume and delivery. The equipment also helps with cost allocation. It does so as you can now identify the consumption cost in every department. Since the correct funds get allocated, you save on extra and unnecessary expenses.

Quick and Efficient Delivery

When sending mails using franking machines, your letters get postmarked and dated. This enables faster delivery as franked mails go through fewer steps. With that said, your postage can get delivered much quicker. And the best part? You do not incur additional costs. Additionally, using franking machines, you can prepare your postage during off-hours, weekends, and any other time. A postage metre also enables easy and faster postage, thereby enhancing efficiency.

The Mail Sending Process is Streamlined

Even today, most people and businesses stand unaware of the full potential of franking machines. And as such, the technology is undervalued and undermined. In light of cost accountability and allocation, fewer steps and mailing efficiency, the process stands streamlined. However, not many people do know that these machines comprise additional features, making them incredibly valuable and efficient for businesses.


At the day’s end, franking machines are an asset to your business and overall document management processes. Franking machines get continuously upgraded with newer and advanced features. They are massive cost and time saviours. They can help you focus on the core competency instead of time-wasting administrative paperwork.

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