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The Best Tech for the Summer Holidays in 2023

by Techies Guardian

Summer is finally upon us again, and with it, the chance to escape for a few weeks in the sun. But before you get your cases packed, it’s time to think about upgrading your tech for travel. With every year, the variety of gadgets aimed at travellers increases, as new innovations hit the market and new technologies get their chance to shine.

This year is no exception, with kit out there for every conceivable travel need. We’ve compiled a rundown of some of the must-haves ahead of your holiday, so you can get together everything you need to make the most of your two weeks.

Gadgets for Going Away

For most travellers, music plays a big part in the holiday experience. Whether it’s for listening on the plane or for chilling by the pool, noise cancelling headphones are a must. These can also be pretty handy when it comes to blocking out distracting noises from elsewhere – picture the crying baby on the plane. With noise cancelling technology, you block out the rest of the world so you can focus on the music – perfect for a better calibre of listening experience.
Similarly, you might want to think about portable speakers. Bluetooth speakers can fit in your pocket, providing the perfect portable listening experience for when you get to your accommodation.

An absolute must is portable mobile chargers and power banks for your devices. There’s nothing worse than being on the go and your phone running out of battery. Look for the highest possible mAH rated power banks you can find – this is an investment that will pay dividends if you find yourself short when you’re on the move. It’s also handy to have if you enjoy using apps on your phone while you travel, like playing video games or penny slots to wile away the hours in transit. Nothing quite spells boredom like an airport wait with no charge – don’t say we didn’t warn you.

For those heading overseas, travel adapters are too often overlooked – yet essential if you want to actually be able to plug in when you get there. Don’t leave yourself trying to learn Greek for ‘travel adapter’ – get it sorted before you leave. Top tip – take a four-gang extension with you from home, and hook that up to your adapter, for more power outlets at a fraction of the cost.
Consider also whether to invest in a smartwatch or fitness tracker before you go. This can help you keep tabs on things like your daily steps or your sleep, so you can make sure your health doesn’t suffer while you’re away. This will also be a cool gadget to have when you get back home too – especially if you tend to put on a couple of pounds when you’re living the holiday life.

Gadgets for Protecting Your Home

Going away is one thing – but what’s going on at home while you’re not there is enough to raise anyone’s anxiety levels. Leaving your home unattended for a week or two brings with it a number of potential risks. Fortunately, there’s plenty of tech to settle the nerves.

Smart doorbells from the likes of Ring and Google Nest are your first port of call, keeping an eye on the front door for security purposes. You could even consider ultra-high tech fingerprint smart locks, for total security while you’re not at home. Combined with security lights, motion sensors and burglar alarms, you can go a long way towards burglar-proofing your home ahead of your departure.

Consider timers and smart plugs for managing appliances in the home – ideal for controlling lights, the radio, curtains, and anything else that might give the impression of you still being at home. These are simple to install and easy enough to use, yet can work wonders in deterring burglars who will be on alert for empty homes during the summer holiday season.

Make sure your smoke alarms are up to date and in working order, and get water alarms in place, such as the Moen Flo Smart Water Leak Detector, to prevent flooding and water damage. A carbon monoxide alarm is also a wise move, so you can be sure your house is safe, as well as secure, when you’re sunning yourself on the beach.

A Nest learning thermostat is another cool piece of tech that can go a long way. This monitors the temperature and energy usage of your home, so you’re not running up unnecessary bills while you’re away. Easy enough to install, this is something you’ll likely use long after you’ve returned – especially with current energy prices, it’s a gadget that will quickly pay for itself.

Make Tech Your Friend This Summer

Make technology your friend this summer, and you’ll have a more relaxing holiday for it. From the right gadgets for going away to protecting the home front while you’re gone, a few simple investments in technology ahead of time will mean you can properly let go when you’re there – safe in the knowledge that the tech has got your back.

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