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Exposure to Cryptocurrency without Actually Purchasing Currency

by Techies Guardian
Exposure to Cryptocurrency without Actually Purchasing the Currency

Exposure to Cryptocurrency without Actually Purchasing the Currency – The thing about the crypto universe is that it is essentially lucrative. From share market traders to students worldwide, no one can unsee the apparent prospects of cryptocurrency. There are several ways you can depiction yourself to crypto, depending upon your overview of the currency, but it being more like a sensation pulls us closer to it. You invariably get to know about little details, and before you know it, you want to jump right in.


Bitcoin has more than doubled its value in 2021 itself. There are risks, but the point is, is it worth taking it up? This article will give a fundamental overview of cryptocurrencies (for those who are yet not initiated) and talk about the various scopes of exposing oneself to this cryptocurrency but not directly.

The cryptoverse

Crypto first came into the market in 2009, holding the hands of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the oldest cryptocurrency founded by Satoshi Nakamoto – the brainchild behind what we can now call cryptoverse. It came off as a decentralized currency depending on a peer-to-peer ledger called the blockchain. With time, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin ensure their credibility and make themselves widely available to people. At the same time, blockchain has also increased its use-cases over all these years and has become immensely popular.

Investing in Crypto

It is always straightforward to invest in crypto by buying it directly or by investing in it using the currency itself. However, these are few of the reasons why you may be wary of investing by actually purchasing it:

  • There are risk factors involved if you are directly purchasing the currency.
  • The issue of market volatility acts as a hindrance towards playing safe.
  • No assured returns. You could lose all your holdings under a faulty trade.
  • The third-party crypto purchasing software is often not too trustable.
  • Hackers and spammers can get into your system and hack your crypto wallet.
  • The presumed crypto bubble is like a dead-end to the cryptoverse.

These uncertainties bring in questions inside people’s minds regarding investing in cryptocurrency directly. But there is no reason to droop down because of that. in addition, getting universal crypto signals can help you to get big profits.

There are different scopes towards bringing yourself very close to the entire crypto ball game without directly getting associated with the currency at all. Here are some methods to do it –

Crypto trading software

These trading platforms convert your regular fiat currencies into crypto and trade them for you. You need to keep at par with the automation by remaining updated about the market. People trust platforms like QProfit System Official site for this purpose. However, for trading, you still need to associate yourself with the currency to a particular degree. Let us look at other options.

Crypto-friendly companies

There are many businesses and companies which promote crypto-based services. Ranging from one sector to another, many such firms have introduced currencies like Bitcoin to their workflow. Investing in the stocks of such companies is constantly a good idea. In this way, you can give yourself exposure to crypto but at the same time not quite hold any of it. The best example of such a company would be Tesla which took up more than $1.5 Billion equivalent Bitcoin.

Invest in technologies fuelling crypto

Many firms in recent times are aids to more prominent crypto-based corporations. These firms bring up technologies required to run a crypto-friendly company or run the entire crypto-market, so to say. Big companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft are all working towards bettering the whole crypto scene. They manufacture processing units and other equipment necessary for crypto mining and other related activities. Investing your money in these would qualify, in a larger picture, as investing in cryptocurrency.


Investing in crypto in whichever way possible is gainful. However, whatever you choose to do, one thing that does not change is the market volatility. You have to be cautious about the rising and falling prices of cryptocurrencies to invest in anything close to crypto.

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