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Enable Managers to Unlock Employee Productivity Potential

by Techies Guardian
How To Enable Managers to Unlock Employee Productivity Potential in 2021

Enable Managers to Unlock Employee Productivity Potential : Are your employees living up to their true productivity potential? How can you tell whether or not your employees are working effectively, or identify when they need support to keep them engaged, healthy, and productive?

To be frank, the main problem is that because most work is digital and carried out behind a computer screen, managers often can’t ‘see’ how productive employees are. Instead they are forced to depend on lagging indicators such as surveys, feedbacks, or key performance indicator results.

That is why if you want to enable your managers to unlock employee productivity potential, your first need to ensure they have access to data and insights into their team’s work habits. With that data they can take action more effectively, and take advantage of some secrets  of 4-D teams to improve teamwork too.

Monitoring Employee Activity

To provide managers with the data and insights they require, you need tools that can monitor the activities of your employees and track metrics that will allow you to gauge their productivity. And the solution to that is productivity monitoring software  – such as WorkExaminer.

With WorkExaminer’s features, you will be able to identify what your employees are doing at any given point in time – including app usage, web surfing, keystrokes, messages, downloads, and more. More importantly all the activities it tracks will be analyzed and displayed in clear reports that include active or idle time, attendance, activity types, and more.

In fact you can even categorize the activity of your employees as very productive, productive, neutral, distracting, or very distracting. Based on that WorkExaminer will then display an overall productivity score allowing managers to quickly identify which employees are productive and which ones are not.

With the data and insights that WorkExaminer provides, managers will then be able to determine what type of support their team’s require to unlock their productivity potential.

Actions to  Improve Productivity

To improve productivity and unlock the potential of employees, the actions that managers take must be appropriate. Simply put, the data and insights need to be analyzed and managers need to figure out the best way to support and motivate employees.

Some of the actions that may help improve productivity are:

  • Reward the top-performing employees with attractive incentives. It could be something as simple as a verbal acknowledgement, taking them out for a meal, or increasing their bonus.
  • Provide training to help employees improve productivity. In addition to job-specific training, other types of general training such as time management training may help too.
  • Help employees with low productivity levels identify their problems using the data from monitoring tools. Make suggestions on how they can improve and them keep tabs on their progress.
  • Manage task distribution based on the strengths and weaknesses of employees. For example if the data shows an employee is better at a particular task, delegating more of that type of task to them can boost the overall productivity of the team.

Of course all these actions are just examples of ways that you can improve the productivity of your employees based on the data and insights from employee monitoring software. At the end of the day it is up to you to determine which actions are going to be most effective to boost the productivity of your team.


To sum it up, if you want your employees to tap into their full productivity potential then managers need to have the right tools that enable them to determine the right actions to take. In the modern workplace there is no option that is as effective as employee monitoring software – which makes it absolutely essential.

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