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Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out

by Techies Guardian

Today, every aspect of life is just a click away. And with cyber risks also becoming widespread, everyone has all the reasons to be extra careful. Cases of data breaches, hacking, and malware attacks are becoming way too common.

Cases of malicious supply chain attacks have skyrocketed in the last few years. Cyber threat actors use weak links in established organizations’ supply chains to access source codes and infect legitimate products, especially apps and software. Then, they wait for clients to purchase the infected products and exploit the user’s trust in reputable vendors. This underscores the critical importance of cybersecurity supply chain risk management, as it’s essential to identify and secure these vulnerabilities to prevent such exploitations.

1.   Remote Work Security

Gone are the days when employees were required to use company-owned computers within the workstation. The rising popularity of remote work has made that impossible. Most organizations need workers to buy, bring, or use their computers.

But that has one major downside: increased vulnerability to cyber threats. Consequently, this forces employers to adopt rigorous remote work security models to create a secure workspace for remote workers.

2.   Mobile Malware Threats

The wide adoption and use of mobile phones is one of the reasons why there’s been a surge in mobile cyberattacks. The other significant influencing factor is that most organizations now allow their employees to access corporate networks and work using their mobile devices.

Not to forget, since most phones store documents and attachments in a single folder, malicious entities can quickly locate and download them.

Unsurprisingly, most mobile attacks involve malware such as Trojans and viruses. And malicious actors are having a field day with malware attacks because most smartphone users don’t bother to protect their devices with extra security measures.

3.   Automotive Hacking

Most cars have standard amenities like infotainment systems and USB data ports. These are incredibly useful because they allow drivers to conveniently attend to urgent tasks like making calls or listening to music.

Unfortunately, some of these amenities are exploitable. For instance, a malicious actor with the right tools and knowledge can remotely infiltrate and control your vehicle’s software. Or, they can intercept the key fob signal and prevent you from locking or unlocking the doors.

4.   State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare

Every country has a few enemies. Take the US as an example, which has a rocky relationship with China. This has led to various problems, including a supposed state-sponsored hacking from China. According to a recent report, the Middle Kingdom is backing hackers who are spying on critical infrastructure in the US.

State-sponsored cyber warfare is something to keep an out for because its consequences are costly. These include the high possibility of losing sensitive data and the shutdown of critical infrastructure.

5.   Insider threats

Sadly, organizations are not always threatened by outsiders exclusively. Sometimes, the problem starts from within. For instance, to get back at their employers, fired employees can use their access privilege to steal or permanently delete critical data. Financial stressors may also encourage current workers to steal data and sell it to malicious actors.

Since the online data black market has grown exponentially, organizations should do all they can to mitigate insider threats. These include employing tools for detecting and reporting data misuse and using physical security to protect critical infrastructure. Employers should also encourage their workers to speak up whenever they are in financial distress.

6.   AI Incorporation

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many industries, cybersecurity included. The widespread adoption of AI makes it easier for organizations to detect and respond to cyber threats and attacks in real time. AI is also helping different companies to analyze large volumes of data, isolate potential vulnerabilities, and manage risks more effectively.

AI is indispensable in a world where cyberattacks evolve constantly, and malicious actors devise ingenious ways to attack individuals and organizations every other day. Through its incorporation, cybersecurity experts and the world at large can easily keep up with the bad guys.

7.   Targeted Ransomware

Targeted ransomware is a sophisticated cyber threat that malicious actors use to compromise specific organizations. These include institutions for higher learning, which hold large quantities of sensitive data from students, educators, and staff members.

Even more worrying is that individuals can also be victims of targeted ransomware. And the effect of ransomware on regular people can vary from mild inconveniences to massive financial losses.

8.   Supply Chain Attacks

Cases of malicious supply chain attacks have skyrocketed in the last few years. Cyber threat actors use weak links in established organizations’ supply chains to access source codes and infect legit products, especially apps and software. Then, they wait for clients to purchase the infected products and exploit the user trust in reputable vendors.

Here’s an example of a supply chain attack. Suppose company X supplies network monitoring apps. If its production environment is insecure, a hacker can exploit them, embed a backdoor in updates, and use it to conduct data breaches.

9.   Cybersecurity Automation

With the help of AI and machine learning, advanced cybersecurity systems can now automatically detect, investigate, and fix cyber threats. Automation has led to less reliance on human intervention, which is good. Remember, humans can make decision-based or skill-based errors and increase exposure to cyber threats and attacks.

Cybersecurity automation comes along with several perks. For instance, it reduces redundancy by allowing IT experts to stop wasting time on repetitive tasks like asset tracking and incident management. It’s also incredibly helpful in eliminating alert fatigue.

The Bottom Line

Keeping up with cybersecurity trends is the key to protecting yourself or your business from cyberattacks. This year, watch trends like automotive hacking, state-sponsored cyber warfare, AI incorporation, and targeted ransomware. Don’t forget to keep up with remote work security and protect your mobile phone, mainly if you use it to access corporate networks.

Most importantly, if you run an organization, note that cases of insider threats are on the rise. Educate your team members on the risks of mismanaging or misusing sensitive information. Additionally, acquire tools designed to detect security breaches from the inside quickly.

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