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How Do you Add a Crypto Widget?

by Techies Guardian
How Do you Add a Crypto Widget

How Do you Add a Crypto Widget? – If you haven’t been hiding rock without an internet connection over the past few years, then you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other types of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies have skyrocketed in both popularity and value lately. People from all over the world, especially from Japan and the USA, have invested heavily in one or another cryptocurrency.

This is not surprising, as in 2017 alone, Bitcoin, the current king of cryptocurrency, hit an all-time high with a gain of 480%. Bitcoin is now worth over $ 7,000. To estimate the rate of growth of the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was only worth $ 1 in April 2011.

If you are a cryptocurrency investor or a potential investor, it is important to keep track of the different currencies. There are many applications, programs, and web pages that you can use to track bitcoins and other cryptographic means.

However, if you are the website owner, you need to add the Windows 10 cryptocurrency widget. Certain widgets may help you and your spectators conveniently track your investments.

In this article, we will discuss the best Windows 10 cryptocurrency widget for website  that you can use. However, first of all, let’s talk about the importance of keeping track of your cryptocurrency investments. using the crypto widget you can also provide free crypto signals to your readers.

Why is it important to keep track of your crypto investments

Cryptocurrencies in special are identified to be extremely active. This means that the crypto security you invest in can take nose dives or take off to new heights at any time:

  • There are many tools you can use to keep up to date with your cryptographic data. You can use anything from mobile apps to Google Sheets to determine where your investments will go.
  • Possibly one of the greatest methods to maintain record of your cryptocurrency purchases is by utilizing the Windows 10 cryptocurrency widget.
  • Luckily, many websites offer free widget plugins and script coding that you just need to copy and paste into your site’s HTML. Here are 3 sites that offer some of the best cryptocurrency widgets for Windows 10.

1. Bitcoin Widget

Bitcoin.com is an astonishing website that allows open script coding for a broad assortment of bitcoin-related widgets. Bitcoin has the most value right now, so naturally, most people will be interested in it.

On this section, you will discover widgets that will make you the most advanced bitcoin data, running conferences, data tickers, the hash price in the opening equipment, and of course costs and plans. All of these functions are not part of the same coding, which means they are split into different widgets. You can easily choose what information you want to show on your site.

2. CryptoCompare Widget Wizard

It is the ideal widget production device to practice if you buy in cryptocurrencies different than Bitcoin. The site makes it easy to customize the widget to make it perfect for your site.

You can choose any coin to compare against major currencies. For example, you can see how Ethereum pits against Bitcoin, US dollars, Chinese yuan, and even gold. They also have a search option where you can find information about almost any cryptocurrency.

3.CodeCanyon Crypto Widgets for WordPress

To access these custom WordPress widgets, you have to pay a small fee and install the plugin. You can use crypto exchange affiliate program. If you’ve built your site using WordPress, then this is probably the best way to get widgets for your site. You don’t need to copy or edit any HTML encodings as the plugin they offer makes it easy to add cryptocurrency widgets to your site.

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