A decade ago, the idea that AI technology could be feasibly used by attorneys, doctors, writers, and all manner of other specialized professionals was best classified as “wishful thinking”. That’s not to say that no one saw its potential, of course, but most people thought there would be limits to the kinds of strides AI would make. Today, AI is used in all manners of different fields in one way or another. In this article, we’ll explore how AI is augmenting human capabilities and changing the way we work across various industries.
In-depth research
Humans have a relatively short attention span. Even the most effective researchers hit information fatigue eventually. While the exact amount of time it takes some people to hit a wall and need a break varies from person to person, in general, most of us wind up exhausted after a few hours of uninterrupted digging. The timeline can be even shorter if the topic in question is complex. And once the exhaustion has set in, there’s no real solution other than to take a break or face diminishing returns.
AI, on the other hand, is incredibly effective at sifting through a lot of data in a short amount of time. In fact, AI can sort through hundreds of research papers in just a few minutes. With that said, AI is not the best at complex conclusions. Sometimes technology can get sidetracked and summarize an article incorrectly, for example, which can diminish its value entirely.
Instead of relying solely on humans or solely on AI to conduct research, pairing human expertise with AI’s ability to quickly sort through large amounts of data can optimize the process. Research attorneys, for example, are increasingly using AI to help them sort through hundreds or thousands of pieces of case law and identify articles that might be of particular interest in a particular case. The attorneys themselves then read through the article and decide if it supports their case or not.
Highly specialized skills
Along the same vein, professionals in a wide variety of fields are using AI for “busy work”. This allows them to focus more on areas that require their expertise and less on general tasks. One example of this is business writing. Attorneys might use an AI essay writer to outline a motion filing, for example, while devoting most of their time to crafting highly detailed and complex legal arguments using their client’s information. Undetectable AI allows writers to select from a huge variety of formats and academic/professional levels, for example, making it easy for professionals to craft the perfect foundation for their brilliant legal arguments. This allows them to stay on top of their work without sacrificing the personalized care their clients deserve.
If you’re looking for a way to improve your professional pursuits, why not incorporate AI into your daily routine? Just remember to go back over your work and ensure that everything is accurate and makes sense. You’ll be zooming through work in no time!