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data:text/html; charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4=

by zeeh
Base64 String

The keyword data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4= can be said to be a Data URI this is because it contains a very simple HTML document that has been encoded in Base64. Its as a result useful in letting developers integrate small elements like HTML, images and scripts in web page and without the use of file reference option. In this case, the encoded content, when decoded, produces a simple HTML structure: And in these, there is a problem of formatting the string ‘<html><body></body></html>’ The usage of UTF-8 character set and Base64 sometimes allow it to transmit binary data safely and to display it as text. Data URIs can be of great use where small files can be embedded to minimize HTTP calls and enhance and the loading speed of the web page. Keep Reading to know more about data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4=.

What Exactly data:text/html; charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4= is?

Here is the detailed Explanation about data:text/html; charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4=

1. Data URI scheme: The data URI scheme permits to include data as an inline object or as a resource in web documents with reference to external ones. This is a method of setting links to small files in HTML, CSS or even JavaScript formats.

2. MIME type (text/html): MIME types define the type of document and format it has, it stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. especially the “text/html” which specifically define that it is an HTML text.

3. Character encoding (charset=utf-8): UTF-8 is one of the most popular character encodings which is able to reflect any character of the Unicode. It is extendable backward from ASCII and is the default encoding for HTML5.

4. Base64 encoding: Basically Base64 is an encoding technique whose function is to translate binary data into another format consisting of only 64 characters which are safe for text transmission. Primarily it is applicable to the situation where is necessary to insert binary data into the area intended for textual information.

5. The encoded content: The string “pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4=” is the base64 Code of “<html><body></body></html>”. The following is an example of the absolute bare bones of an HTML document.

Data URIs are useful for:

  • Direct placing of small images in HTML or CSS
  •  Bearing small scripts or stylesheets which do not require being written in other files
  • Minimizing the HTTP requests as a solution to enhance performance

However, they also have limitations:

  • • If overused they can make documents larger
  • • They are not individually cached by the browser
  • • There are certain older browsers that have issues with size of the data URIs

What Is Base64 URL Encoding?

Base 64 string is just an encoded representation of some other data in form of strings of 64 characters at most. Here’s a more detailed explanation:


Base64 is a process of converting binary data into text which in turn uses sixty-four characters which are safe in textual systems.

Character set:

Used are uppercase and lowercase alphabets from A-Z and a-z respectively, 0-9 for numbers, + and / (though = is used in padding).


It is also used to encode binary data into ASCII string format so it may safely transmitted or stored in systems that only deal in text.

How it works:

Data is divided into sets of parts called BIBs where BIB stands for binary interchange byte Binary data is grouped into 24-bit chunks (3 bytes).

It is then divided into 4 chunks, each of which can be encoded as 6 bits.

Each of the 6-bit pieces is therefore represented by one of the 64 characters described above.


If the base-2 representation of the binary data does not contain an integer number of three bits, padding with ‘=’ characters is added at the end.


A Base64 string is about 133% of the binary data.

They include only printable only characters, meaning that they can be safely used with protocols that transmit text.


The word “Hello” in Base64 is “SGVsbG8=”.

The other areas where Base64 strings can be witnessed include data URIs, email attachments, and when sending the binary data in JSON payloads. They offer a method of translating any form of data into text form which makes them compatible within and across system and protocols.

What is the use of base64?

Base64 encoding is applied in different ways in computing and data transferring. Here are some common use cases:Here are some common use cases:

  • Email attachments: Base 64 is used in mail systems especially in encoding of binary attachments in systems that support only ASCII characters.
  • Data URIs: As mentioned above, for image or font insertion, as well as the use of other integrated resources, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • API communication: When passing complex objects over the HTTP that are in JSON format or in general when JSON becomes quite large.
    • Storing binary data in text formats: For example, insertion of icons or other data consisting of one or zeroes into XML or JSON files.
  • Encoding user credentials: In basic HTTP authentication, the user names and passwords that are used are encoded in Base64.
  • URL encoding: In situations where the data that is to be passed in URL parameter could contain special characters that are not URL safe, then URL encoding can be used.
  • Cryptography: In some encryption processes, or for passing sensitive information such as cryptographic keys and certificates.
  • Storing binary data in databases: When a database does not allow a user to work with binary data types that are inherent on the computer.
  • Cookies: For encoding data structures that are otherwise hard to store in browser cookies.
  • Data compression: Although they can be used as a step in some data compression algorithms.
  • QR codes: Base64 is also used in encoding data that is used in the QR code generation.

Avoiding special character issues: When copying data from one system to another, especially where the two systems may well have differing methods of dealing with special characters.

Base64 encoding is most common when the data to represent is in binary, but needs to be sent over the wire as text, or when we want to guarantee that data won’t be changed in the middle of their transmission from one system to another due to intermediate systems’ ability to handle one character set or the other.

How do you display Base64 Encoded String and Base64 text files in HTML? 

To display Base64 encoded strings or Base64 text files in HTML, you have a few options depending on the content type and how you want to present it. Here are some common methods:

  1. For HTML content:

If the Base64 string represents HTML content, you can decode it and set it as the innerHTML of an element:

htmlCopy<div id=”output”></div>


const base64String = “PGgxPkhlbGxvIFdvcmxkITwvaDE+”;

const decodedString = atob(base64String);

document.getElementById(“output”).innerHTML = decodedString;


  1. For images:

You can use the Base64 string directly in the src attribute of an <img> tag:


  1. For plain text:

You can decode the Base64 string using JavaScript and display it in an HTML element:

htmlCopy<div id=”output”></div>


const base64String = “SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh”;

const decodedString = atob(base64String);

document.getElementById(“output”).textContent = decodedString;


  1. For Base64 text files:

You can fetch the file content and then decode it:

htmlCopy<div id=”output”></div>



.then(response => response.text())

.then(base64String => {

const decodedString = atob(base64String);

document.getElementById(“output”).textContent = decodedString;



  1. For larger Base64 encoded content:

You might want to use a more efficient method, like streaming, especially for larger files:

htmlCopy<iframe id=”viewer”></iframe>


const base64String = “PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+PGh0bWw+PGJvZHk+PGgxPkhlbGxvIFdvcmxkITwvaDE+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=”;

const blob = new Blob([atob(base64String)], {type: ‘text/html’});

const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

document.getElementById(“viewer”).src = url;


Remember to handle potential errors, especially when dealing with user-provided or file-based Base64 strings. Also, be cautious about security implications when decoding and displaying Base64 content, particularly if it’s from an untrusted source.

What is base64 encoding vs UTF-8?

The main differences between base64 encoding and UTF-8:The main differences between base64 encoding and UTF-8: 

  •  Base64 encoding encodes binary data into ASCII code to transfer it through a system supporting only ASCII characters. UTF-8 is a form of Unicode character encoding supported by most operating systems. 
  • Base64 expands the file size to about 33% compared to binary information content. UTF-8 has variable width; therefore, file size is subject to change in response to the contents of the text. 
  • For example, while Base64 applies to general binary data, UTF-8 applies to Unicode text specifically. 
  • Base64 encoding remain used in such scenarios as email attachments, a part of HTTP authentication, and storing binary data as JSON. UTF-8 remains arguably the most frequently used character encoding on the WWW and with the text files. 

Therefore, base 64 and UTF-8 remain established for different roles: base 64 converts binaries to texts, while UTF-8 encodes Unicode texts. 


In conclusion we can say that data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64,pgh0bww+pgjvzhk+pc9ib2r5pjwvahrtbd4= showcases how Base64 encoding can be used to embed minimal HTML content directly in a web page, offering a practical solution for integrating small resources like HTML, images, or scripts without external file references. By leveraging the UTF-8 character set, Base64 ensures safe transmission of binary data as text, making it a valuable tool in modern web development. While it reduces HTTP requests and boosts performance, developers must be mindful of potential file size increases and browser caching limitations when using Data URIs.

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