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9 Step Practical Guide To The Selection Process

by Techies Guardian
9 step practical guide to the selection process

The systems operations and mechanisms are depended on the internal staff. An appropriately planned selection process  can ensure the quality selection of the workforce for the company.

Selection Process

Recruitment process that involves collecting the most appropriate applicants for the job who will ensure the achievement of business goals and objectives. Offering employment to the applicants who are motivated to give their best performance and are equipped with extraordinary skills should prioritise any selection process.

Analysing their experience, qualifications, etc. and selecting the best out of desired candidates is crucial in the selection process.

The recruitment and selection process is a managerial-decision making process that will give the company valuable assets in qualified and skilled professionals. .If you are scaling in China, for example, it is best to utilize a recruitment agency China.

You can customise the procedure of selection as per the position, its requirements, industrial and organisational demands.

What are the steps involved in the selection process?

After understanding the relevance of the selection process, let us know in detail the steps in selection process:

1. Initial Screening9-Step Practical Guide to the Selection Process:


It is needless to emphasise that companies can achieve their objectives when they have resources and the proper personnel. Selecting the right person for the organisation is necessary since it can affe

Once the availability of a job is announced, the company will receive loads of application. It is essential to segregate those candidates who don’t meet the basic criteria of education and professionals qualifications for the work. This process is vital as all the applicants who don’t possess the required certifications will not enter the next level of the selection process.

The reduction in number enables one to focus on the professionally qualified candidates for the job quickly. The information received in the applicant’s resume can guide on his professional qualification.

2. Receiving Applications

After the candidates have cleared the initial screening, a formal application form is demanded to maintain the proper record of the individuals who have applied for the job.

It is a piece of brief information about the candidates who have applied for the jobs and passed initial screening in terms of their qualifications, name, address, contact details, etc. It gives the details of the applicants’ aspirations, accomplishments and achievements in the field they have applied.

A detailed application form will give the selectors a broader understanding of the applicants’ work-related realisations and interests.

3. Employment Tests

The testing of the candidates will enable them to understand their analytical skills. Tests allow the selectors to analyse the candidate’s behaviour in the adverse situation in the organisation. How they will react to such a situation or how well they can handle that situation and turn it into an opportunity for the organisation.

Tests are more often used in the public sector than in the private sector.

4.Job Interviews

A job interview is an objective-oriented interaction where information exchange occurs between the applicant and interviewer. The well-refined candidates only reached this stage after rigorous preparations. Surely, when participants want to be part of an organization, such as a giant pharmacy space like CVS, it is critical for them to answer CVS interview questions. Therefore, the ability of the interview planner to draft effective questions can ensure that they will recruit the best candidate for the job.

Job interviews need to consider occupational experience to manage responsibility, academic accomplishments, inter development skills, personal qualities, and many others for appropriate candidate selection.

5. Background Investigation

Background Investigation tends to gather the genuineness of the applicant’s information provided in the application. Confirmation of information provided in the application documents can be done through personal references provided by the employee. It is essential to gain knowledge of the applicant’s past behaviour to predict future behaviour. You should obtain information of attendance problems, significant negligence or any other kind of misbehaviour of the applicant to rule out the chances of such repetition in the organisation.

6. Physical Examination

This practice is not largely followed; however, this practice can deselect applicants who are not physically fit. They won’t be able to serve the purpose of the organisation. A mentally and physically fit employee will be productive, efficient and effective in his job performance and require fewer leaves. Various public sector job requires physical and medical examination and certification of physical fitness for jobs.

This stage will select the applicants who are professionally and physically match for the job assignment.

7. Final Selection

The last stage of the selection process, where the job is allocated to the most appropriate applicant, will prove to be an asset to the company. It is essential to inform about the results of the selection process sooner to the applicants. Delay in the notification can tend to lose the vital candidates as there is competition among the companies to get the best one for them.

8. Temporary Offer

Often, organisations offer temporary positions to the candidates to assure that they will be given the permanent job after the completion of the probation period and proper training.

9. Follow up

It is necessary to collect the reviews of appointed candidates about their job satisfaction. Employees can provide information about the improvement in the operational functioning. If there is any dissatisfaction with the job, then the reasons can be evaluated and improved to restore the employee’s faith in the company.


As the technologies are developing vastly, the requirements of the job are increasing. Learning platforms such as Jigsaw Academy provide  HR analytics course necessary for HR training to help your career. These human resource courses tend to offer essential skills to the recruitment and selection of productive applicants.





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